Where We Work
JRS helps refugees in 56 countries around the world.
JRS is present in over 50 countries worldwide, providing assistance to almost 680,000 individuals. The work is overseen by 10 regional offices with support from the International Office in Rome.
JRS Regional Offices
For inquiries, please contact your closest JRS office.
International Office
JRS Asia Pacific
JRS Eastern Africa
JRS Europe
Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 554 02 25
Regional communications officer: Sara Garcia, sara.garcia@lac.jrs.net
JRS Great Lakes
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
+24 399 018 9794
JRS Latin America and The Carribean
Bogotà, Colombia
+57 1 3314560 ext. 141
Regional Communications officer: Camilo Andrés Cubillos Segura, responsable.informacion@sjrlac.org
JRS Middle East and North Africa
JRS North America
Washington DC, United States of America
Communications Director:
Sarah Carroll sarah.carroll@jrsusa.org
JRS Southern Africa
JRS South Asia
New Delhi, India
+91 11 49534175
Regional Communications Officer: Jovin George, jovin.george@lac.jrs.net
JRS West Africa
Yaoundé, Cameroon
+237 243 579 464
Regional Communications Officer: Laura Lora Ballesta, laura.ballesta@lac.jrs.net